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Category: CRM Usage
(Deutsch) E-Mails im CRM senden und empfangen
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(Deutsch) SPF Record Ihrer E-Mail Domain
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(Deutsch) E-Rechnung 2025 … und nun?
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(Deutsch) XRechnung und ZUGFeRD sind da!
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(Deutsch) Ende der Basisauthentifizierung für E-Mail bei Microsoft
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(Deutsch) Desktopansicht auf Smartphones
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(Deutsch) Was man über E-Mail Versand wissen sollte
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VAT Setup
As an administrator, you can set the VAT rates used in CRM yourself. This is done in the “CRM Settings” -> “Other Settings” -> “Tax Settings” menu. More detailed explanations of this menu can be found in the manual.
MailChimp Function Improvements
The CRM provides now to MailChimp users new functions which allow to track changes to mailing lists at Mailchimp also in the CRM. The CRM administrator can update the existing version to version# 2.0 by the CRM Extensions menu. Just follow the instructions given by the menu. The following MailChimp actions are transferred to the […]
automatic messages
If you like and if you have configured the CRM accordingly, the CRM can take automatic actions for you. The following is a list of the possibilities and suppose to help you for your selection: 1. selected automatic actions At the ‘My Preferences’ menue each user may select a Reminder Interval which generates a browser […]
Options for Sending Mass Emails
The CRM supports you in sending emails to multiple recipients at once. Depending on your requirements and the purpose of the mails you may use one or all of the following options: 1. Use of the Email template function As admininstrator you may create a set of email templates which may get selected at the […]
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 Compatibility
The Microsoft IE Browser might cause some CRM site display problems. If you experience some issues switch to the compatibility mode. You may find instructions at
Special report about accounts not contacted since…
There is a new functionality in your CRM since version that allows you to create a report about accounts which includes a special filter. That filter enables you to select a date specifying the last desired activity of an account. The report will list every account that has not been contacted since the specified […]
Changing the picklist order for search function
The order of the picklist entries in the search menu for modules (list view) is based on the order of columns in the list view. The headline of the first column is the first entry in the picklist, etc. If you want, for instance, that your picklist always shows the Account Name as the first […]
E-Mail Tracking
When you send an email from your CRM system an automatic function is included which allows you to see whether and how often the receiver has accessed this mail. This information is displayed in a contacts or leads detail view at the email listing in the ‘Access Count’ column. This function works only if the […]
colored calendar entries
Each user may select its own calendar color at the “My Settings” menue. If a user need more colors for calenda entries you may create a group with this user as the only member and assign a different color to it. If you assign a calendar entry to this group the entry will get displayed […]
Getting most from the product and service listings
If you create a quotation, an order or an invoice you have to use the product or service listings. To be able to use this feature efficiently you need to consider that the description field of a product or service becomes a part of your PDF output of quotes, orders and invoices. As illustrated in […]
Forward links in emails or chats
Every CRM entry has its own URL if you goto the detail views or consider stored files. Just copy this URL from your browser. You may use this URL for references in emails or chats such as: — snip Hi Bob, have a look at <url to the CRM entry> and let me know what […]
print price lists
Some CRM users would like to generate price lists based on the product list. You may use the following procedure to generate such lists: Create a custom field for products, called “Product list” . Use the Multi Select Box as field type in order to be capable to consider products in multiple price lists. Assign […]