Starting with CRM version you may connect to your CRM by the new Android app. Please check your CRM version number (after Login, footer left side) and contact crm-now if you need an update. The app is available at: Android App Link
Author: frank
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 Compatibility
The Microsoft IE Browser might cause some CRM site display problems. If you experience some issues switch to the compatibility mode. You may find instructions at
CRM Word Connector Installation
The CRM Word Connector (CWC) is a powerfil tool for the creation of serial letters or for other purposes with MS Word under consideration of the CRM’s data. To activate this extension 2 steps are required:Step 1: Check the installation status of the CRC extension. As admin goto the “Settings->ModuleManger->CustomModule” menue. Check wehter there is […]
New import tool
We provide a new data import tool for Excel at the CRM’s help pages. There is a new version published on May 31st, 2012. This Windows program converts the content of an Ecel’s worksheet into a CSV file with a format required by the CRM system automatically andhas the following features: easy to use automatic […]
Word template usage
You may use the Settings -> Text Template menu to store MS Word documents as templates for serial letters. These templates must have the .doc format and can get created by using the Office Plugin extension available at the CRM’s Help menu. This extension links Word and the CRM and provides the CRM fields to […]
Remove duplicates before data import
Before any import of inventory data is considered, it is recommended to review the data. According to experiences data tend to become inaccurate over time. It is much more effective to correct data errors before import than later in the CRM. Excel has been proven to be a good tool for such a checkup. Most […]
Transfer requests from web pages to the CRM
If you have your own web site with a contact form you may transfer the content as Lead to your CRM. For the transmission you may take advantage of the Webservice functions. The following example shows how a webform for the transmission of name, email and description can look like: <html> <body> <form method=”POST” action=”https://yoururl/modules/Webforms/post.php”> […]
Forward links in emails or chats
Every CRM entry has its own URL if you goto the detail views or consider stored files. Just copy this URL from your browser. You may use this URL for references in emails or chats such as: — snip Hi Bob, have a look at <url to the CRM entry> and let me know what […]
Tag Cloud Usage
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
why users should not get administrator privileges
It seems convenient to assign administrator privileges to a user especially if a user needs to change CRM settings frequently. However, for the daily work this is not recommended. Users with administrator privileges always see everything, inluding standard fields or picklist entries which has been disabled for the users. In addition, a user with admin […]
new functions in january 09
In January a few functional enhancements has been applied. These changes affect only users who are using the PDF exports. You may add additional Information to an account name by using the new field named “Add. Account Name ” if you enter accounts master data. This field substitutes for the field call “Ticker Symbol”. This […]
Tipps für einen guten Vertrieb
Auch wenn crm-now keine Newsletter versendet (wir glauben dieses Journal für unsere Kunden besser geeignet), so gibt es doch eine Reihe von Newslettern, die ich gerne empfange. Dazu gehört definiv die unregelmäßige und unaufdringliche Post von Gerold Braun, einen Vertriebsspezialisten, der sich gern in die Karten gucken läßt. Kurz und prägnant erklärt er, worauf es […]
neue CRM Funktionen im Dezember 08
Mit der letzten Versionsumstellung, wurde wieder die Sicherheit des Systems erhöht. Wir versuche ja immer den vielen neuen Bedrohungen aus dem Internet einen Schritt voraus zu sein. Die Gelegenheit haben wir auch genutzt ein paar kleinere Funktionserweiterungen durchzuführen: Filterfunktionen: Bisher konnten Filter nur für die Datensätze gesetzt werden, die in dem entsprechenden Modul vorhanden waren. […]
was man beim Datenimport beachten sollte
Eine Übernahme von Bestandsdaten sollte gut vorbereitet werden, da die Qualität der Daten entscheidend für die Nutzbarkeit im CRM ist. Dazu gehört in der Regel auch eine manuelle Durchsicht um offensichtliche Fehler (wie z.B. Tippfehler) zu beseitigen, aber vor allem um sich darüber im klaren zu werden, welche Felder im CRM benötigt werden. In Bezug […]