No matter how careful you use the CRM, there is always a chance that you create a duplicate accidentally. This applies especially to the Contacts and Leads module.
Therefore, one should get used to the idea of looking for duplicates and removing them regularly, especially with larger teams. To control and to remove duplicates the CRM provides you with two functions in the list view of a module:
- find duplicates :
To find duplicates in a CRM module, there is a search function. You have to specify what you define as a duplicate. For Contacts for instance it does not make any sense to use the last name only. Thus, additional criteria are needed and in this case the email address is recommended.
This “Find Duplicate” function can get accessed by the “Action” button in a List View .
- direct duplicate removal:
If you see a duplicate in a list view, you no longer need to search for it and you can remove it directly. This “Remove Duplicate” function can get accessed by the “Action” button in a List View and is available since CRM version